ATMOS-PHERIC. Dolby’s Redefined Sound Experience

“Music has a therapeutic benefactor; this becomes more effective when translated through a proper sounding sound system.”

I have recently been browsing around music streaming apps and have realised the increase in soulful, loungey, laid back music, the cosy chilled hip-hopish jazzish indie music podcasts that one would listen to on a chilled day.


Music, in most cases is better received on a proper sounding sound system. The way you dance to the beat is highly influenced by the sound output.  That beat you missed and realised after sometime that there’s kick or a treble somewhere in the song, all of that is contributed by the sound one plays their music through.

Growing up in ZA townships, one is exposed to different surround sound home theatre systems or what we used to call Hi-Fi’s. The buying power is mostly influenced by brands the uncles and old timers used to play their music on. From the likes of Marantz, Technics and NAD to name a few, music was purely enjoyed. This was followed by a lecture of storytelling on how music has shaped their lives, similar to the Sapeurs in Congo. This was seen whenever there were stokvels and family gatherings. Music was translated to a language which was then, a way of living from dress code to the car one drives.

Choosing a home theatre system back in the days wasn’t as complicated as it is now. The old timers were loyal to their brands. Nowadays technology has made decisions more complicated. Different amps, speakers and receivers offer different technologies that support different peripherals to play music. The introduction of soundbars also raises the question: should I buy a complete home theatre system?

The technology isn’t all bad, with the introduction of digital amps and the ability to recreate live sounds and bouncing them around spaces has allowed audiophiles to enjoy their music with added convenience.


Founded in 1965, Dolby Laboratories have changed the way we perceive sound. From their innovative noise reduction technology to stereo and surround sound for the home which enhances listening experience. When Dolby Digital was launched, it became the Global Standard which offered high definition sound outputs on 5.1 to 7.1 surround sound channels.

Freed audio. Fast forward to 2012, Dolby Atmos is introduced. This technology, according Dolby, it redefines stereophonic sound experience. From their ground breaking stereo and digital technology which is limited to channels, Dolby Atmos is designed to transport sounds that flow in 3D. As the sound moves in 3D, the listening experience is heightened from the ordinary into reality. On the usual 7.1 and 5.1 channels, the sound is limited to those specific channels. This is not the case with Atmos. This innovation allows one to enhance and alter each and every sound stream being outputted. Volume increase and decrease, clarity and defining each sound stream can be done using Atmos. Surround sound is achieved through sound streams being bounced in every angle of the environment and not limited to where the speaker is pointed.



Sound on the Dolby Atmos can be fired upwards, sideways and linear. This allows magnificent sound quality that puts one in a realistic atmosphere with detailed, rich and clarified sound outputs.

By Lwazi Mazibuko

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